Defending Juveniles Charged With Felonies

We often hear that the crimes our children commit are “sealed” and will not affect their futures. They are children, after all, and deserve the chance to become productive adults.

Reality isn’t quite so simple. In fact, if a juvenile over the age of 16 is charged with a felony in Minnesota, his or her record will be made public, essentially negating the benefits of sealing juvenile records. A juvenile convicted of a felony could face lifelong challenges similar to those faced by an adult convicted of a felony: difficulty finding jobs, renting apartments and even applying for government loans.

If your child faces felony juvenile crime charges in Minneapolis or surrounding areas, put an experienced juvenile defense lawyer on your side. Contact GROSHEK LAW PA today by calling 612-426-7047.

What Juvenile Crimes Can Be Charged As Felonies?

In Minnesota, several juvenile crimes are classified as felonies, including:

These charges can result in severe penalties and often lead to adult certification. Other charges such as computer crimes and theft over $1,000 can be charged as felonies — still impacting your child’s future.

Experienced Attorney ~ Skilled Defense Assistance

Felony defense attorney Christa Groshek has extensive experience representing juveniles charged with all levels of crimes. She believes in giving children and teenagers a chance and will work hard to convince prosecutors and the court to consider options other than felony adjudication.

Your future or your child’s future matters. To discuss your options for defense against juvenile felony charges, contact us at GROSHEK LAW PA today by calling 612-426-7047 or by sending us an email.

Why Hire Us?

At Groshek Law PA, each client is viewed as an individual, not a legal problem.


We start with a proactive approach through mutual education.


We expect the unexpected, so we are always prepared.


Our attorneys adhere to the Highest Professional Standard.