Skilled Defense Against Underage DUI Charges In Minneapolis
When charging a minor with underage drinking, it is a more black-and-white issue than a case involving an adult. The legal limit for minors is .00 blood alcohol content (BAC), not .08, as individuals under the age of 21 are not permitted to drink alcohol. If your child has been arrested on suspicion of underage DUI, it is important to have an experienced juvenile defense lawyer handling the case.
The lawyers at GROSHEK LAW PA in Minneapolis, Minnesota, have extensive experience in both the adult and juvenile justice systems. Attorney Christa Groshek understands the unique needs of minors and how to protect their rights in juvenile court. She views each client as an individual, not a legal problem.
When a juvenile pleads guilty to underage DUI, he or she loses his or her driver’s license for 30 days.
Penalties For Minors Convicted Of DUI
As mentioned before, DUI is a different situation for minors because they are technically not allowed to have any alcohol in their system, unlike adults, who can have up to a limit of .08 BAC. When minors are arrested on suspicion of not a drop DUI, they do not lose their driver’s license right away. They lose their license only when convicted of the not a drop DUI. However, if their blood alcohol content is .08 or above at the time of the arrest, they will lose their license right away like an adult would and experience other adult license sanctions.
While there are similarities in some aspects of minor DUI and adult DUI, it is critical to have an attorney who is familiar with juvenile delinquency and who handles these cases regularly. Christa Groshek takes a holistic approach to these cases and will seek help for minors who have gotten into trouble with alcohol in addition to protecting their rights in court.
Contact Groshek Law PA Today
Our DUI/DWI defense attorneys are committed to doing what it takes to give our clients the best chance for a successful future. Schedule a consultation with a lawyer today by calling us at 612-426-7047 or by sending us an email.