Joint Custody & Moving Out Of the State of Minnesota
It is not uncommon for one parent who has joint custody to want to move with the children. Relocation raises significant child custody, parenting time/visitation and child support issues, though, when the relocation is out of state.
If one parent is contemplating moving out of Minnesota, both parents should consider consulting with an experienced parental relocation attorney law attorney.
Relocation, Moves And Job Transfers When Children Are Involved
At GROSHEK LAW PA, in Minneapolis, we represent parents dealing with issues surrounding child custody laws and moving out of state after a divorce or separation. If you have questions about your rights as a parent, speak with us to ensure that your children are being protected throughout the process.
Can I Move If I Have Joint Custody?
Whether you or the other parent wants to move out of state with your children, it is important to speak with an attorney about your family law options. If you relocate with the children without the other party’s permission or a court order, there may be significant consequences, including a loss of custody and visitation rights.
On the other hand, if your former spouse is planning to relocate with your children and you oppose the move, it is highly recommended that you file a motion to prevent the relocation as soon as possible.
Contact Us Today
To discuss relocation and modification of custody and support orders with a lawyer in a confidential consultation, contact us online or call GROSHEK LAW PA at 612-426-7047 today.