Helping Families With Parenting Time Issues In The Twin Cities

Divorce is often most difficult for children. Their parents’ attention is focused on the details of the divorce, and frequently the children become pawns in an uncomfortable chess game. It is important to note that the state considers what is in the best interests of the children to be paramount when making decisions in custody and parenting time cases.

Each parent is entitled to time with his or her children. However, joint custody does not necessarily mean the children will spend 50% of their time with each parent. Weekly activities, school, friends and other family members all need to be taken into account.

Helping You Create A Smooth Transition For Your Children

It is less stressful for a child to have a regular routine that is as close as possible to what life was like before the divorce. At GROSHEK LAW PA, in Minneapolis, our holistic approach to family law matters allows us to work with you and your spouse to find a good balance in your lives and your children’s lives.

To schedule a consultation with one of our visitation lawyers, call 612-426-7047 or contact us online.


Experienced Family Law Attorneys Working For You

We will sit down with you to create a parenting plan that takes into account your schedule and your child’s schedule. The more cooperative you and your co-parent can be when separating your lives and your time with your children, the more likely the state will be to accept your parenting plan. Factors that are important to consider are:

  • Who was the primary caregiver before the divorce?
  • Which parent lives in the child’s current school district?
  • How many days a week is it reasonable for the child to spend with each parent?
  • What parts of the old schedule can be translated into the new one?

One parent having a minimum of 25% of the parenting time is currently the presumption of what is in the child’s best interests and 45% is considered to be “equal.”

Common Questions About Child Custody Visitation Rights

Determining a visitation schedule in a child custody battle can be overwhelming. We receive many questions from our clients about this process. Some of these questions include:

How can I change my visitation schedule with my children?

As children grow up, their development needs often change. The visitation schedule put in place may no longer work for your family. Visitation schedules can be changed in the child’s best interest, except where the requested modification substantially reduces the other parent’s time. Changing visitation schedules involves filing motion paperwork with the court, attending a mediation or settlement negotiations and, if that is unsuccessful, attending a motion hearing.

What is a reasonable visitation for a noncustodial parent in Minnesota?

Noncustodial parents in Minnesota have the right to fight for time with their children, and courts have often granted visitation rights to both parents as long as the schedule is in the child’s best interest. Under Minnesota law, courts must grant the non-custodial parent a 25% minimum visitation time. That time can be increased based on your circumstances and what will be best for your child.

Learn About Your Options – Call Today

Let our lawyers help you understand your options and your rights. We help parents and children throughout the Twin Cities.

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At Groshek Law PA, each client is viewed as an individual, not a legal problem.


We start with a proactive approach through mutual education.


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