What is the medical review board process?

On Behalf of | Jun 10, 2021 | Firm News

If you work as a doctor, nurse or another medical professional, you undoubtedly understand the importance of your professional license. After all, if you lose your license, you may not be able to work in your chosen career. You may also have trouble securing a professional license outside Minnesota.

The Minnesota Board of Medical Practice decides whether to impose discipline on doctors, acupuncturists, physician assistants, athletic trainers and respiratory therapists. If the board receives a complaint, you can expect a multi-phase adjudication process.

The complaint

The Board of Medical Practice entertains written complaints from any source. While these complaints typically remain private, the board has a legal duty to investigate complaints against anyone it licenses. Still, the board does not have jurisdiction over every matter. For example, while the board may investigate a malpractice complaint, it is not likely to handle disputes over fees.

The investigation

After receiving a jurisdictional complaint, the board assigns the matter to an analyst. Provided the complaint does not fall outside the statute of limitations, the analyst obtains medical records and requests a response from the medical professional. If the complaint involves sexual misconduct, though, the analyst is likely to refer the matter to Minnesota’s attorney general.

The resolution

If the analyst finds grounds to support the complaint, he or she forwards the complaint to a medical coordinator. This coordinator may conduct an additional investigation or look for ways to close the matter. He or she may also recommend disciplinary action.

Even though receiving a complaint may cause you to experience some anxiety, you should not let a complaint overwhelm you. Ultimately, by responding promptly and professionally, you may boost your odds of avoiding discipline altogether.