Attorney Christa Groshek was interviewed by Iris Perez, KMSP-TV Fox 9 News, on January 26th, 2013. The interview discussed the identified DNR worker accused of viewing thousands of driver’s license records. The interview can be seen by clicking here.
Here is a summary of the KMSP-TV Fox 9 News story:
Minnesota DNR worker in data breach identified — John Hunt
You can call it snooping, creeping or accessing, but whatever you call it, officials say it’s wrong and it’s illegal.
The MN DNR identified the worker accused of viewing thousands of driver’s license records, adding that John Hunt is now fired.
It is still unclear why Hunt went through those driver’s license and motor vehicle records. However, the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) says Hunt committed a federal crime during off duty hours.
The agency says from January 2008 to October 2012, Hunt illegally viewed records 12,000 times. Some of the records were viewed more than once. A total of 5,000 people were affected.
As it stands, Hunt could soon face criminal charges.
Photos, driver’s license numbers and addressed were at his fingertips.
The BCA, a Division of the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, reports the majority of files Hunt looked at belong to women in the public eye. Celebrities, television news personalities, politicians and professional athletes are among the types that fell victim to the data violation.
Hunt was also a data practices designee, so he was responsible for making sure new employees were familiar with the laws and rules concerning access to driver’s license records.
Officials say that means Hunt knew the consequences of his actions.
Hunt has not yet been arrested or formally charged for the data violation. The BCA is actively investigating this case.