Every year, when you file your taxes, you incur a small amount of risk that your tax file will be one of those selected randomly for an audit. Certain red flags may increase the likelihood of facing an audit, but it is generally impossible to predict who will face...
White Collar Crimes
Understanding a tax lien: What you can do to help yourself
If the first time you see a tax lien is a surprise, then you're probably not sure what it means for your future. The good news is that tax liens are fairly easy to understand. A tax lien is essentially the state or federal government making a legal claim on your...
The Legal Consequences Of Insider Trading
From outside appearances, Roomy Khan was a role model for the American dream. She grew up in a middle class family in India but moved to the United States to attend Columbia University. From there, she landed a series of highly coveted positions at IBM and Intel and...
As time goes by: Can you be arrested for a crime committed years ago?
As the song says, moonlight and love songs are never out of date, but criminal charges may be. Before we start talking about statutes of limitations for the prosecution of certain crimes, though, we need to explain a few things. First, a definition: According to...
Woman accused of embezzling substantial sum over 5-year period
The Hennepin County Attorney's office has filed charges against a former bookkeeper for misappropriating more than $675,000 from her employer over the past five years. Because the amount in question exceeds $35,000, a conviction could mean a prison sentence of 20...
Defending against mail and wire fraud, P.2
In our last post, we began speaking about mail and wire fraud statutes and the importance of working with an experienced attorney to build a strong defense case. Because there are very particular requirements that must be met to fulfill the elements of these crimes,...
Defending against mail and wire fraud
One of the realities of the criminal process is that prosecutors generally do everything they can to seek criminal penalties for an offender. In many cases, prosecutors try to tag as many charges on a defendant as possible in order to maximize penalties, even if...
Minneapolis case raises questions about entrapment
By now, many of our Hennepin County readers have already heard about the criminal charges that have been levied against six Minneapolis men for their alleged plans to "leave the country and join the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)." Now facing charges of...
Little sympathy for individuals convicted of white collar crimes equates to long sentences
According to The Sentencing Project, an estimated 2.2 million people in the U.S. currently call one of our nation's jails or prisons home. More than any other country, the U.S. relies heavily upon incarceration as a means of deterrence and punishment for...
Minneapolis businessman faces 68 criminal counts related to tax crimes
There's a famous quote related to the fact that there are two certainties in life, death and taxes. Let's face it; no one enjoys parting with their hard-earned income and paying taxes. Yet, every year when April 15 rolls around, people in the U.S. dutifully file their...