Drug crimes can have severe consequences for college-age students. Under Minnesota law, certain drugs fall under controlled substances.
These include cocaine, marijuana, methamphetamines, amphetamines, heroin, hallucinogens and PCP. Prescription medications such as benzodiazepines and opiates are also controlled. These drugs receive classification into schedules based on their potential for addiction and approved medical use.
Third-degree possession
The Minnesota Statutes describe penalties for drug possession depending on the schedule of the drug and the amount found in the individual’s control. Third-degree possession charges can result from having three grams of heroin, 15 kilos of marijuana, or 50 doses of LSD. Penalties might include up to 20 years of prison and $250,000 worth of fines.
Fourth-degree possession
Fourth-degree possession charges can result from possessing 10 doses of LSD or any amount of a drug from Schedule I, II or III. Penalties can include 15 years in prison and fines of $100,000.
Fifth-degree possession
Fifth-degree possession charges can result from possessing any amount of a drug on Schedule I through IV. Penalties include up to five years in prison and fines of $10,000.
Aside from legal consequences, drug possession can have hidden implications, especially for students who plan to attend college. A controlled substance possession conviction can disqualify an individual from obtaining student loans, even for a petty misdemeanor.
College-age students must understand the severity of drug crimes and the legal consequences that come with them. It is also essential for students to make informed decisions about their actions and to seek help if they struggle with drug addiction.