When Minnesota couples decide to end their marriages due to irreconcilable differences, both parties often seek a fair and equitable divorce settlement. However, sometimes there are situations in which one spouse makes demands that are entirely unreasonable. In such situations, it can be important for the other spouse to not allow their desire to end the marriage to cloud their judgment during the settlement process.
While it may be perfectly reasonable for a nonworking spouse to request alimony or some extra time in the family home, it is in many cases also appropriate for that spouse to eventually reenter the workforce. As such, agreeing to provide indefinite alimony may not be in the best interests of the person who will be making those support payments.
Similarly, spouses need to think carefully about child custody and support issues, the sale of the family home and other applicable matters that pertain to their circumstances. In situations where minor children are living at home, spouses may also want to consider stipulations that restrict the other parent from moving another adult into the home or having overnight guests. While these are sensitive areas that can create a great deal of contention, it is important to settle them with the best interests of the children in mind.
In situations when one spouse is making unreasonable demands of the other in a divorce, it may be wise to consult with an experienced family law attorney. Counsel may be able to review the case and offer suggestions for a settlement that takes the long-term interest of the client into consideration.