At Groshek Law PA, we make it a focus of our practice to help day care providers protect and keep their licenses when they face legal action.
One of the best ways for you to protect your license proactively, however, is to involve yourself in the larger community of daycare providers. One place to start in that respect is the Minnesota Child Care Association (MCCA) website. The MCCA can put you in contact with the resources you need to manage and protect your daycare license on a practical daily basis.
Why Should You Get Involved In The Professional Community?
By involving yourself in the professional community, you can learn much about preventative measures and developments in the law and general practice of day cares. With this knowledge in hand, you can do a lot when it comes to controlling legal costs and protecting your rights in the long term on an ongoing basis.
Many day care license revocation proceedings involve preventable violations. These violation related to a number of items, including, for instance:
- Diapering
- Unsanitary crib sheets
- Lack of food and water
- Accepting care for more children than permitted by your license
Do You Have Other Questions About Protecting Your License?
We know that protecting your license is not something you just do when facing legal action. It is something done best when you approach it on a practical day-to-day basis by handling the little things regularly.
To learn more about how our law firm can help you protect your day care license in a way that can even prevent legal difficulties from arising in the first place, feel free to contact us!