Accused of Violating Probation? Get The Help You Need.

Have you been accused of violating the terms of your probation? Probation violations can land you back in jail to serve the remainder of your sentence.

If your probation officer accuses you of a probation violation, contact GROSHEK LAW PA in Minneapolis, Minnesota, for experienced assistance with Minnesota matters and for issues involving transferring your probation to another state.

We defend people throughout the Twin Cities who are facing probation violation charges. Contact our probation lawyers to schedule a consultation by calling 612-426-7047.

Probation Violations Can Lead To An Arrest And Jail Time

As a type of deferred sentencing, probation is your opportunity to serve less than your full sentence if you follow certain conditions. If you fail to abide by those conditions, the police may arrest you and charge you with a probation violation. You may be held without bail until you have an opportunity to see the judge who sentenced you.

If the judge finds that you violated the terms of your felony or misdemeanor probation, he or she may sentence you to serve additional time in jail or to follow additional conditions of probation.

You Must Follow The Conditions Of Your Release Exactly

Individuals on probation must follow certain, detailed conditions. From not using mood-altering chemicals to a mandated curfew, you must understand your obligations. When people do not understand those conditions, they are apt to violate them. Probation violations relate to allegations made by probation officers that an individual committed violations such as:

  • Violating a no-contact or restraining order
  • Testing positive for prohibited substances
  • Not remaining in contact with the probation officer
  • Failing to pay a fine or restitution
  • Failing to remain law-abiding

If the state accuses you of violating the terms of your probation, contact an experienced defense lawyer at GROSHEK LAW PA to learn more. Send us an email or call us at 612-426-7047 today to help preserve your rights.

Why Hire Us?

At Groshek Law PA, each client is viewed as an individual, not a legal problem.


We start with a proactive approach through mutual education.


We expect the unexpected, so we are always prepared.


Our attorneys adhere to the Highest Professional Standard.